Vicki's Trip Report - The Whole Thing

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Vicki's Trip Report - The Whole Thing

Post by AnyTing »

I am still basking in that post-STJ glow, but re-entry has been brutal. I'm doing better though. Since coming home, I have only driven on the wrong side of the road once (seriously...), but I keep forgetting that I am allowed to flush every time. I also find it hard not to have a drink at 11:00 a.m., but I have avoided it because I think they would frown on that at my job...or maybe they would like me better...anyway...

This was my 9th trip to STJ and my 4th time staying at the most wonderful villa, Sunnyledge, on Francis Bay. This trip provided some much needed 'me' time and was a little different from other trips in that I planned nothing. I just flew by the seat of my pants. It was a refreshing change of pace. I also did lots of new things on this trip.

This trip was very special because I have reached a point where going back to STJ is like going home. I know its pace and fall gently into its island rhythm as soon as I arrive. I recognize people and places at each turn in the road. It has the comfort of visiting an old and much loved friend, but at the same time can still provide something fresh and new around every corner. This trip felt more like coming home than a vacation. I think you know what I mean.

So, what did I do with my 6 days? Well, you already know most of it from the 'Crappy iPhone Pics of the Day,' but I'll fill in a few more details. No installments. This here is the whole kit and caboodle...

For those of you in need of a photo fix, the 'best of' set is here: ... 710485752/

The uncondensed set is here (if you have lots of time at work to waste): ... 714865431/

One thing you'll notice is that there are a lot of photos of critters and strangers. I found that when you spend a lot of time alone, you start 1) talking to animals, even small lizards, 2) talking to strangers, and 3) taking pictures of both. I even stalked Luna (corrected- thanks to Ruth! :D ) long enough that she finally gave me a look that said she was either about to hug me or eat my head. Not really wanting either, I moved on. Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics.

Travel Day: Thursday

Logistics: I always fly US Air through Charlotte, always do carry-on only, and always rent a Jeep from Budget in STT. I have never had a problem with any of these and this trip was no exception. Travel was smooth. Well, except for the twitchy guy sitting next to me on the plane that kept talking to himself, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Arrived on STJ after dark and dropped the luggage off. Grabbed dinner at Shipwreck Landing, where I saw Ken, a guy with quite an amazing mullet. He also had a martini-to-go wrapped in cellophane that I never did figure out. If anyone can explain that to me...have at it. I had also attempted a wardrobe change before leaving the villa, too quickly apparently, and had somehow left the villa in a shirt that was WAY too low cut to have nothing under it...much to the delight of the table full of 14 year old boys next to me...but much to my horror (making me feel like the dirtiest, old woman possible...). Dinner was a lime'n coconut with the fried shrimp. This was the first time I had ever been to Shipwreck when literally every table was filled. That was my first clue that the 'peak season' is a little more crowded. Boy was it.

<a href="" title="Shipwreck Landing by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 917c_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Shipwreck Landing"></a> <a href="" title="Worthy of an award....Coral Bay Ken, aka the Mullet King...awesome. by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 788a_m.jpg" width="160" height="240" alt="Worthy of an award....Coral Bay Ken, aka the Mullet King...awesome."></a>

At the villa, I noticed the cat that kept me company on my last visit was still there. He has become the villa cat and officially has a name from the owners now: Pouncer, Pouncer the Wondercat. I know that because it was written on everything: his food, his dish, his toys, you get it. That was a little long for me, so I just referred to him as 'Hey, cat.'

<a href="" title="Fried shrimp @ Shipwreck by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 06f2_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Fried shrimp @ Shipwreck"></a> <a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 88f1_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a>


<a href="" title="Cruz Bay morning by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... f200_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Cruz Bay morning"></a> <a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 3c1c_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a>

First thing in the morning, I drove into Cruz Bay for groceries at Starfish. The new wine and cheese store is pretty nice, for those of you who haven't seen it yet. Lots of good stuff in there. After groceries came breakfast and then it was time for the beach. Maho is a great first day beach because it's close to Sunnyledge and it's just such an easy place. Tried to snorkel, but because of winds and waves, the water was very churned up. After running into the 4th barracuda, (literally, I think we touched) figured I would save snorkeling for another day. Instead, just spent a lazy day with the beach chickens. Don't you just love beach chickens?

Speaking of chickens, I was heading back to the villa on the road from Maho and this GIGANTIC Jeep Commander was driving down the middle of the road. Wouldn't get over. If he thought I would be intimidated by his size, he was wrong. I stood my ground and as we passed, his mirror lost! Ooops. Smacked it good. Hey, it's his own fault. I just wanted my half.

<a href="" title="Maho by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 968c41.jpg" width="500" height="334" alt="Maho"></a>

Later it was dinner at Rhumb Lines (first time to eat there). Had an amazing tuna appetizer and a mango mohito. For dinner, I decided to mix and match a few of the pu-pu items: cilantro-lime corn crusted shrimp, fried quesadillas, and spicy Szechuan noodles. Pu-Pu never tasted so good. Hit the Beach Bar after dinner for a few painkillers. Then it was time to snooze.

<a href="" title="Maho Sunset by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 56f0_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Maho Sunset"></a> <a href="" title="Rhumb Lines by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... c4d1_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Rhumb Lines"></a>


<a href="" title="Coral Bay by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 549512.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Coral Bay"></a>

Another first today: Salt Pond Beach. This beach was a lot less crowded and a lot more calm than the Northshore beaches, so it was a great choice. The walk down wasn't too bad (although on the walk back to the Jeep, I found myself SO regretting the giant 'bag-o-lenses,' beach bag, small cooler, snorkel gear, and chair...). This beach was so gorgeous, I couldn't believe I had never gone to it before.

<a href="" title="Salt Pond Beach by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... a7982d.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Salt Pond Beach"></a>

The snorkeling was very good, offering up a turtle almost immediately. After about 15 people finally showed up, I declared it "crowded" and decided it was time to head to Skinny's for a hot burger and coconut swizzles. A very hard, very brief downpour came suddenly and, sitting at a table near the outside, I found myself inching closer and closer to the guy seated at the next table. He kept smiling at me as I got closer...maybe he didn't realize I was just trying not to get wet? Anyway, it's a good thing the rain was brief, because about 2 more minutes and I would have been in his lap and at that point, I think I would have had some explaining to do...

<a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 6c94_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a> <a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... cbc9_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a>

After lunch, drove the east end and just enjoyed the views, the gazillion goats, and donkeys. When I saw the donkey fest, I thought of alw1977 and just for her, yelled out the window, 'Stupid donkeys!' I know she would feel vindicated.

<a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 504c_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a> <a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 28cd_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a>

Dinner that night was the fish fry at Pastory Gardens. Yum.

<a href="" title="Cruz Bay by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 5bd84d.jpg" width="500" height="203" alt="Cruz Bay"></a>


<a href="" title="Sunday...rainy Sunday by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 565e97.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Sunday...rainy Sunday"></a>

On Sunday, it rained ALL FREAKIN' DAY. Some people love villa gravity days, but I can only sit still so long. I'm like an ADHD kid who just drank a pot of coffee and a few Red Bulls after eating a pound of sugar. So, when the sun peeked out for about 5 minutes around noon, I jumped in the Jeep and took off. In my stupidity, I decided the sun was 'on it's way' and I was going to get a jump start on the beach. I thought by the time I got there, the sun would be out in all its glory. Well, that didn't happen. Instead, I got to Gibney/Oppenheimer Beach, got out, took a picture of the gate, and then Monsoon Season began on St. John. I jumped back in the Jeep, dejected and soaked. The worst of it wasn't that I was wet and my beach fun had been cruelly stolen from me by the hurricane force winds that were rocking my Jeep back and forth, it was that I now had to drive back. Crap. Ya'll have seen that Jeep Cam of the Northshore Road. You know exactly what I was up against.

<a href="" title="As far as I got before the rain came back by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... a73c_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="As far as I got before the rain came back"></a> <a href="" title="Stuck in the rain....yuck! by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... c231_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Stuck in the rain....yuck!"></a>

I was forced to stop at the Trunk Overlook and wait it out. The visibility was just too bad. I had visions of Kellee dancing in my head and could just hear her saying, "Just pull over, girl, just pull over." At that point, I was thinking about those hairpin, uphill turns I would have to make...eeek. When the rain let up a little, I drove around a couple of downed trees and headed for the villa. When I got to the first turn, a 4-runner was trying to go up it. It was painful to watch. They were sliding all over the place, sliding backwards, on the wrong side, you name it. They kept coming back down and then trying to go back up, just to spin tires and slide around. The passenger finally had to get out and direct traffic to give them a wide berth to make it up. I was watching this thinking: "Holy Crap. That's gonna' be me in about 2 minutes," but the Jeep took it just fine despite the madly honking taxi coming at me on my side from the other direction, and before long I was back at Villa, sweet Villa. I decided at that point that sitting and reading was JUST FINE.

The rain finally did stop around 3:00 p.m., so Sunday jazz at the Beach Bar was calling. A few painkillers removed all memory of my aborted beach attempt. I got to see Ruth and Lindy came to hang out with me in the bathroom line. Went to Morgan's Mango for dinner, hoping for lobster but they didn't have any, so I got the veggie plate and a Hurricane Marilyn, like I needed another drink.

<a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 3708_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a> <a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 14b0_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a>


<a href="" title="Monday..... by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... b7c86a.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Monday....."></a>

Today it was time for another first: Jumbie. Got up early to make sure I could get one of the coveted 4 parking spaces and I was the first one there. No one else was on the beach for the first 2 hours. It was absolute bliss. I tried some snorkeling, but the visibility was still pretty bad. The beach was perfect and beautiful and it was very easy to pretend I was on a deserted island.

<a href="" title="Beautiful Jumbie Beach by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 9bcbbf.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Beautiful Jumbie Beach"></a>

I was trying to decide who I would want with me if I really were stranded when a group showed up to interrupt my solitude. It was weird, they schlepped all their gear to the far end of the beach, only to turn around and leave. Then, another group showed up and did the same thing about 10 minutes later. Then a couple came, walked out on the beach, turned and left.

Okay, either I had some major B.O. or the ghosts were spooking them. I don't think it had ANYTHING to do with the fact that I was running up and down the beach nekkid, screaming 'Run for your lives!! They've landed!!' Just kidding...or am I? Guess no one but me and 'Hey, cat' will ever know... :lol:

Anyway, even once I was invaded by 'others,' there were only 6 other people on the beach. It was heavenly. Headed into Cruz Bay after the beach in search of ice-cream only to find I-scream closed. Denied! Cruel. So, it was the Beach Bar for Tuna Down Now (another first and the best thing I have ever eaten) and a frosty lime'n coconut. After lunch, I stopped at Francis for a while, but it was so crowded with 'peak season' people, that I had to leave. It was like Daytona Beach on crack. I did try some snorkeling first, but again, the visibility was so bad that I couldn't see 2 feet in front of me.

<a href="" title="My new favorite food: Tuna Down Now at the Beach Bar by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 7d4b_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="My new favorite food: Tuna Down Now at the Beach Bar"></a> <a href="" title="Ferry dock by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 6819_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Ferry dock"></a>

Dinner was the Grand Buffet at Caneel. I ate an hors d'oeuvre plate (things like salad greens with spicy vinaigrette, cold shrimp, crab claws, sushi, cheese and fruit), lobster bisque with huge chunks of lobster, several grilled lobsters, jerk mahi, roasted red bliss potatoes, more shrimp, more crab, more lobster, cheesecake, key lime tart, bread pudding with chocolate sauce, and a dish of vanilla ice-cream. No, I didn't? Yes, I did. It was shameful. All to the view of the sunset over Caneel Beach and to the tune of a steel drum. Nicely done.

<a href="" title="Table with a view by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... f7ce_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Table with a view"></a> <a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 927d_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a>


Hoping for some good snorkeling (since all that had been worth a darn so far was Salt Pond), decided to walk to Waterlemon early in the morning. Besides, I had all those desserts to work off. The day was beautiful and no one else had started the trek yet, so it was very peaceful. The snorkeling was good, even though the water was still churned up a little. I saw 2 turtles, one that let me follow him in the shallow water for a very long time, some squid, a couple of big porcupine fish, and something so big that in the murky water, it made me decide to go the other way!

<a href="" title="Views toward Tortola by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 09ce_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Views toward Tortola"></a> <a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 6c94_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a>

Wanting a beach that would lack the swarming masses, it was time for another first: Vie's Beach. $2.50 in the honor box was so worth it. 1) This beach is gorgeous. 2) No crowds. 3) GREAT reef on the right side, sea grass and turtles in the middle, rocks to snorkel on the left. 4) Beach chairs. 'Nuf said. It was perfect. Well, until the two Westin Taxis showed up with the biggest, loudest, most obnoxious group of people I have ever witnessed. Good grief. After a few hours of peace, it was time to motor.

<a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 8032_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt=""></a> <a href="" title="Vie's Beach by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 1a48_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Vie's Beach"></a>

Went to Cocoloba on Coral Bay and got myself a tub of Ben and Jerry's from Lily's and a painkiller at the Aqua Bistro bar. What a fine combination! Larry the bartender laughed at me, but even he had to admit it looked good. Note that I had to get myself the big tub. I looked at that tiny little thing of Ben & Jerry's they sell as a "single serving" and wondered who they made that for. A 2-year old? Not this girl.

<a href="" title="Mmmm...Ben & Jerry's goes great with a painkiller by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 08b4_m.jpg" width="240" height="150" alt="Mmmm...Ben & Jerry's goes great with a painkiller"></a> <a href="" title="Bartender Larry by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 7cf9_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Bartender Larry"></a>

Several locals were having drinks (1:30 pm on a Tuesday...these folks are living my dream...) and it was fun listening to them talk. One guy was talking about a newly arrived homeless person that was calling himself Jesus. I had seen this guy, with his bright scarves looking like Flashdance gone bad, and now had a name for the face. One guy kept talking to himself about how they have some great pot on St. John. A lady was trying to hook up with a guy who dissed her causing her to loudly proclaim that he was a 'worthless m***er f***er,' while another guy was talking about a fight at the 'hobo camp' when someone tried to eat out of the spaghetti pot with his hands. Did any of you know there was a Hobo Camp on STJ? This may be my future home....

Okay, Sidebar: I am thinking the Westin should start taxi-ing those loud, obnoxious types out to the St. John Hobo Camp instead of Vie's. I think that would give them an "Authentic Island Experience." They could sit in the sand, eat some spaghetti, meet some new people...Don'tcha think?

<a href="" title="Coral Bay by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 284a62.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Coral Bay"></a>

For dinner, I wanted to try Woody's, since I had never been. I was always put off by how crowded it was. That was dumb. I loved it. Scored a table immediately because it was a tiny little thing by the window, had a few killer rum punches and seafood platter, and just enjoyed the show.

<a href="" title="Seafood Platter #3 by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 4fae_m.jpg" width="240" height="157" alt="Seafood Platter #3"></a> <a href="" title="Woody's Bar by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 7e9a_m.jpg" width="240" height="160" alt="Woody's Bar"></a>

I did eventually get all the whipped cream out of my belly button.

Travel Day: Wednesday 1/9

<a href="" title="Last sunrise on STJ by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 03814f.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Last sunrise on STJ"></a>

Flight didn't leave until 5:30, so the morning was spent packing up, strolling around Cruz Bay, enjoying a BBC and painkiller with nachos at the Beach Bar, shopping for last minute stuff I wanted but didn't need, observing the Cruz Bay cast of colorful characters (i.e., Lindy, Luna,and Jesus were all making an appearance...), and basically putting off getting on the ferry as long as possible.

<a href="" title="Untitled by Vicki_H, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 0639c0.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt=""></a>

Eventually the time came and as I watched the island grow smaller and smaller on the horizon, I couldn't help but smile, even though that moment always makes my heart heavy. I smiled because I love this place. Because I felt refreshed and alive. Because I know I'll be back.

Until then, I'll try every painkiller recipe I can find and keep a stash of happy little paper drink umbrellas on hand. I'll blast my iPod "island playlist" in my Jeep as I drive to work, trying out the left side every so often. And I'll buy every toiletry item or scented candle that smells like coconut, pineapple, or lime that I can get my hands on.

Or....maybe it would just be easier to start planning another trip. :wink:
Last edited by AnyTing on Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by flip-flop »

Your trip report was as great as I expected it to be! I am still bitter and jealous though. Especially since you got to meet Jesus.
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Post by sailorgirl »

What a treat, I was just getting down to lunch at my desk hoping for something good to read and low and behold the TR popped up. Thanks for a great report!

Traveling single has its advantages!
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Post by PA Girl »

Was this a solo trip?

Your pictures are great, again!
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Post by alw1977 »

"After lunch, drove the east end and just enjoyed the views, the gazillion goats, and donkeys. When I saw the donkey fest, I thought of alw1977 and just for her, yelled out the window, “Stupid donkeys!” I know she would feel vindicated."

Lordy me, I made it into a trip report and I wasn't even there!

Thanks for telling those donkeys a thing or two. I DO in fact feel vindicated.

The good news is that (as you can see below), I now have a new trip counter. So I can find those dumb asses myself and tell them exactly what I think of them.

Great pictures by the way. I've spent time alone in San Juan and on St. Martin before (just a day or two at the beginning of group trips). It's really wonderful decompression time.
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Post by GQH »

Great report and pictures! What camera are you using? Special lens?
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Post by sea-nile »

Your report was great, even though all of the pictures are blocked here at work. I'll have to look at the pictures at home.
I think I might enjoy a trip alone to STJ someday since my family doesn't quite "get it".
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Post by jmq »

Nice! Wow super work with that new wide angle especially when you plant something interesting in the foreground or corner and retain a good depth of field to the horizon. You musta had a blast with that. Great turtle shots too.

That pu pu platter rules at Rhumblines - best when teamed up with their silver Patron Margarita.
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Post by Jerseyboy »

Thanks for the well-written report and beautiful photos. I can't believe you fit that many shoes into your carry on.
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Post by augie »

Great report (natch!).

I'd add filling the navel with whipped cream to all of the island scented soaps, etc. :wink:
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Post by mbw1024 »

great report and pictures. glad you enjoyed your "me" time. I see a little of that in my future. Only mine will be in Maine this time.
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Post by cypressgirl »

My best friend asked me the other day why I keep going back to STJ. I'm going to forward her your report. Wonderful stuff!
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Post by FlaGeorge »

A very nice report, great pictures, but I just want to know one thing. Where does a girl with your figure put all that food and ice cream? You got a Caribbean Tape Worm or what. Thanks so much for the “Island Fix”.

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Post by Pia »

Wonderful trip report - loved, loved, loved it :)

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Post by b-as-u-r »

Great trip report; I just love your writing style. Super fabulous photos (as usual). Glad it was such a wonderful trip for you! Ali~
STJ - I "get it"
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