Going away...way too much to do

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Going away...way too much to do

Post by Connie »

I'm sure a lot of people deal with this going on vacation, but we've been talking about this for weeks, months.

Deal with the flights
Deal with the Villa
Passports...make sure you make sure you make a copy.
Call the bank. Tell them you will be out of the U.S.
Figure out how to get from the airport to Red Hook for the ferry.
Make sure you have your home in order.
Who's going to take care of the cats.
Who's going to take care of the house?
Plan your clothes and snorkel gear.
Bring food or don't bring any food.
Trip Insurance or chance it?

I'm really getting stressed about this trip and I have no idea how people do it all the time. I want to try and relax, but there are so many things to consider and do.

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Re: Going away...way too much to do

Post by KAY »

Hang in there and it will all get done and be totally worth it!!
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Re: Going away...way too much to do

Post by PA Girl »

I share your same feelings. I waiver back and forth between stress and nervous energy/excitement. We always head to the airport the night before so as soon as we pull out of the driveway, I leave the stress behind.

Our list is very similar to yours with the added "fun" of non-stop bickering about luggage.

My dear husband marches up and down the hall, declaring he could go carry on only if I was just willing to put "a few things" of his in my suitcase. (This claim is so ridiculous, the neighbors can probably hear my eye rolls)

These "few things" typically consist of, but not limited to; two extra pairs of flip flops (size 15s), 5 additional white Ts, a couple of books, 3 more bathing trunks and a full size can of shaving cream.

This starts a "discussion" about luggage that never goes well.

I consider it a marriage-building activity :0
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Re: Going away...way too much to do

Post by Connie »

But here's the thing. We're going out of JFK because of the direct flight and the price. I think we made a mistake.

We are driving up the day before and teying to figure out how to get to 9/11. We are staying over near the airport and I found out there's really no place to eat.

PA? My husband drives me crazy with packing. We want to do carry on, including snorkel gear, which we have done before. Although, husband, needs to have 10 t shirts and 5 shorts, which I know he'll never, ever use.

Thank God he wears a size 7. :)
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Re: Going away...way too much to do

Post by kklay »

Connie, I am a "Make a list " person and find that helps to reduce/eliminate the pre-trip Anxiety. Many of the items you have on your list can be done days/weeks in advance. I can't help with the packing issue except to say perhaps your husband should check a bag. We used to do carry on only and I am completely over that. We do A small carryon bag with a swimsuit/1 change of clothes in case there is an issue with out checked bag but that's it. This alone has take a Lot of the stress out of packing for me. Good luck with your planning!
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Re: Going away...way too much to do

Post by iheartsj »

Advice on packing. Take half as much clothing and twice as much money.

How to get to Red Hook. Just walk up to the taxi area outside the luggage pick up and tell the man you want to go to the Red Hook ferry. He will direct you to a taxi.
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