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Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:52 pm
by Pia
The party (the childrens Christmas program, Santa etc) is at the Church just past Miss Lucy's (on the corner) this Sunday at 5:30pm :)

Should you wish to take a toy to be donated you can drop it off at Canines Cats and Critters - our vet's office - and see Joe as he is the organizer and he is usually there in person usually between 9am and 1pm (ish) I would call first 340-693-7780


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:01 pm
by loria
got it--we're just down the road--can you tell em what ages you are most in need for?


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:12 am
by California Girl
And here I was thinking that the forum's toys would be lost in the big piles of toys from the local inhabitants! I'm so glad we all chipped in for this, and a big thanks to you Pia, for your efforts in coordinating this for us! I'm just so amazed that no one else donated! It really kind of blows my mind.

I hope if any forumites attend on Sunday, you will get some pictures to post for us all to see! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:28 am
by VaGirl
I'd love to see pictures from the party! My "kids" are all grown now, and watching children enjoy this season always gives me a warm feeling. The ornament exchange was fun, but donating to toys instead would be a great idea.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:10 am
by Sun4MySoul
Incredible news...I certainly wish that I had sent down more gifts!!!

Thanks to Pia and Mr Pia for coordinating this. I am thankful that they provided me with an opportunity to contribute....

Three cheers to all those on-island or heading to the island soon that can continue to spread the joy!

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:52 pm
by California Girl
I think what I'm going to do is go to the after Christmas sales and pick up lots of toys on the cheap and save them for the toy drive next year. That way I can send more! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:59 pm
by snorkeler525
California Girl wrote:I think what I'm going to do is go to the after Christmas sales and pick up lots of toys on the cheap and save them for the toy drive next year. That way I can send more! :D
CG - great idea! We'll be on island until the 3rd but I am sure I can get some bargains when we get back.

Pia - Is there any way to get a PayPal account set up so we can also send money? Or, is it better if we buy and send?

For next year, I would love to get ideas for what the kids really want.

Also, if any have any of the game systems, that would be great to know too. Our son just moved out and we have some video games/video game systems we could donate and send down there.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:12 pm
by California Girl
Now that I think about it, we have a "not so old" XBox I could donate, too. Rick never plays with it anymore and there are newer versions out. Good idea Sharon!

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:56 pm
by stjohnjulie
First off...THANK YOU JOE! He has been so involved in this community and he really looks out for the children (and adults) and St. John is a better place because of him.
If you see him, tell him he is a good "Wolf" (he'll know what you mean).
Secondly, thank you everybody for helping. There are so many kids here that don't really get much for Christmas and it is so cool that you all want to give.
Lastly, stateside gifts pretty much R-O-C-K! It is funny, and kind of sad, but the kids here usually end up with the same stuff. Same stuff to play with, same stuff to wear, same stuff to eat. We all shop at the same few places and you kind of get what you get. Many online retailers do not ship here, so it's limited there as well.
For reference, these are the best places I've found to shop online that WILL ship here: They ship for free for orders over $49 (Priority Mail too!) They have some toys and other gifts. Sign on through American Airlines eshopping program and you earn miles for every dollar spent. Not free shipping, but they will ship here. Check out the rest of their merchants and rack up miles so you can come visit! Super cool and educational toys.
There are many more, but these are a few that I order from on a regular basis and have been happy with.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:34 pm
by loria
Thanks for all the ideas guys! i just finished and now (at 9:30 eastern) have to eat dinner and figure out how to get all this stuff into my bags! (two soccer balls???) Joe has been so great about communicating what they need--If i can get someone to take pictures i will.
again, thanks for all the input...

wheels up in less than 12hours.....hope this storm doesn't screw us up (hubby and kids take a later flight.... :shock: this could turn ugly :evil: )

merry christmas and happy new year to all of you!

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:19 pm
by California Girl
Rite Aid has a bunch of toys already marked 1/2 off, so I picked up 3 little things yesterday. There was a beautiful doll with 4 extra dresses, but I found out she wasn't marked down, so I passed and said, "I'll be back to get her after Christmas!" I feel that she'll still be there waiting for me because she really wants to go to St. John! Since I don't have kids, buying toys for the children that normally wouldn't have a great Christmas brings me great joy. And now I can have that joy all year-long, building up a stock of cool stuff for next Christmas! :D