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CBS Sunday Morning visits St. John

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:14 pm
by toni
If you missed it this morning, they've been visiting national parks ... ed-virgin/

Re: CBS Sunday Morning visits St. John

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:16 am
by jdjcmaso
Thanks for posting this. My wife told me about it, but I missed it.

Re: CBS Sunday Morning visits St. John

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:15 am
by iheartsj
It is too bad that this story focused on Caneel Resort. It even advertised the prices, amenities, and which room Angelina and Brad stayed it. No mention of the campground and the prices for it. No mention of the archaeological sites that date back to pre Columbus days. No mention of the rich Caribbean history and culture.

There is so much more to VINP than cocktails, sunset cruises, and private beaches for the ultra wealthy.

Re: CBS Sunday Morning visits St. John

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:30 am
by jimg20
I agree that the piece was too narrowly focused. Not that they need to be defended but...They have a limited amount of time to tell the story. The series is about our national parks. Telling how it came to be a park is not at all inappropriate. Also, look at their demographics. Most of the people who watch that show are upper middle class and higher; and me. Check out the ads. They are the Wall Street Journal, retirement funds and high end cars. They would be foolish to aim their stories at anyone else.

There is always so much more to learn. I've been there for innumerable weeks for many years. I learned something new when I was there earlier this month. They can't tell all of the story of STJ in an hour and a half show. The ten or so minutes they get for a story will only skim the surface.