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Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:01 am
by sasky
Insanity? Give it up already and wait 5 years?

Clearly I need a trip back to my paradise.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:12 am
by steveo2916
We did a week-long visit with the kids when our daughter was 5 months. Good news is she wasn't all that mobile at that age so was pretty easy to manage. Stroller can be a challenge but we had a great time.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:31 am
by PA Girl
We took our son at around 5 months and it was a fantastic trip.

Insanity or not depends a lot on the parents' attitude. If both are committed to having a good trip and dealing with whatever changes/challenges are needed to keep everyone happy, go for it.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:49 pm
by silverheels
You can always get a break by enlisting the services of a wonderful baby sitter
(Eagle Ray Lover) Leslie, who posts on this board and on Facebook.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:10 pm
by Nancie-Pa
I second the recommendation for Leslie as a sitter. Her service is called "Kids Night In" and she's a great lady!
I'm sure people will be oohing and ahhing over the babies everywhere you go and you'll have lots of wonderful pics to show them later. Just remember to schedule some time for yourselves and I know you'll have a great vacation. :)

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:37 pm
by 54b
Echo the sentiments above and add some things that helped my wife and I make our decision:

1) Priority 1, The Children - If you leave them, who's going to take care of them for a week? That's a tall order. For us it had to be a relative and a relative that considered taking care of our kids a pleasure and not a favor. Fortunately, our parents looked at it that way. We have friends whose parents love to see their grandkids, but aren't interested in taking them full time for a week. Again,it's a tall order. Also, we'd only leave our kids if they too were healthy and didn't have any health concerns that required special knowledge or we'd need to rush back home for. Lastly, could our kids do well for a week spent mostly outside and knowing sleep was essential, were they the types of kids that could sleep anywhere (like a blanket under a tree on a beach) or did they require certain conditions (like a cool, dimly lit room with a crib, white noise, mobile, etc.) If baby don't sleep, you don't sleep.

2) Priority 2, You - Can you emotionally handle being away from them for a week? If you leave them, will you be calling every five seconds and when you're not calling, not be able to think of anything else. Leaving your kids for a week is not easy. Then again, maybe you and your husband could use the week off to reconnect. Again, no judging, whatever's right for you is the way to go.

3) STJ Satisfaction - We all have our own vision of what a perfect week on STJ looks like. If that vision includes a lot of activity like hiking and snorkeling at lots of beaches, that can be tough with young kids in tow, even if you were to get a babysitter. You'd want to stick to beaches like Maho where the sand is soft, water calm and car never that far away. Then again, if your vision is seeing your babies dip their toe in the water for the first time and spending lots of down time at the villa just chilling and relaxing together, then there you go. Bottom line, it takes a lot more money and effort to get to STJ for most of us than say a beach on the East, West or Gulf Coast. And while those beaches don't compare to STJ, a 5 month old won't know the difference. (When our kids were younger, we took them to South Padre Island, TX and waited until they were a little older to take them to STJ.)

4) Finances - Under two years of age, I believe they fly free and baby food, even on STJ, is not that expensive. If older than 2, I think it's fair to ask the question of whether they're old enough to really appreciate a trip of this grandeur and will they remember it. If not, maybe wait a little longer until they can. And again, given the costs, will you be able to really enjoy it with kids along of a certain age.

My wife and I ultimately decided age 7 was the right age for us. In hindsight we probably could have started at 5 and will probably start our daughter going at that age. We are fortunate to have able bodied, active parents that practically lobby to watch our kids for a week (critical factor for us) and for what we like to do on STJ, we really want our kids to know how to swim some and be able to hike a reasonable distance without asking Dad to carry them. And I don't mean we wanted to be able to drop him off at the Reef Bay trailhead and say "see you later, have fun." I just mean we want our kids to be able to enjoy the same things on STJ we enjoy (safely and within reason of course).Also, someone above mentioned "managing your kids on STJ." Very true. It's not like there are lifeguards and fences. Unless you hire someone like Leslie or can drop them off at the Westin Kids Club (I don't know if they watch babies), Mother Nature is the only other babysitter you've got on STJ and she can be little rough.)

Probably enough out of me, but I'll conclude again by saying there is no right answer, only what's right for you and your family. Hope that helps.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:47 am
by Teresa_Rae
I'd go with "insane," but you gotta do what you gotta do.

We took our first daughter when she was 17 months. It was a very different trip but she was nursing so there was no option to leave her at home. I don't regret the trip at all, but one really good thing was that she dropped from 2 to 1 nap shortly before the trip. That made our lives A LOT easier. I can't imagine having to deal with going back to the villa twice daily for naps. Unless you have the kind of kids who would nap on the beach...I do not have those kind of kids.

We currently have a 15 month old and a 4 year old and we're considering a trip during the next couple months. I'm overwhelmed by the thought but I need my STJ fix. Again, we'd take the kids because I'm nursing the little one, otherwise I'd leave them with family at home.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:53 am
by Jumbiegirl
I brought a 2½-year old to St John. I would NEVER do that again. ZERO relaxation. And we had 2 sets of grandparents and an aunt with us to help out!

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:33 pm
by PatrickMcc
Funny you should ask- my daughter has a four year old and one year old twins-all boys. I think the answer depends on how active the twins are and how well they are sleeping.
We started taking my daughter and her sister to Cinammon Bay at ages 1 and 3. It worked out great for many years. They slept thru the night and were pretty mellow. Cinnamon Bay is very child friendly- no packing the car, flat terrain, flat cottage and a commissary and restaurant. I guess Caneel offers that also.
We went with my daughter and her son when he was 2 and 3. Five adults to watch him- very active- worked pretty well- both years we had a villa at Hart Bay- except on the last trip they had to drive from Philadelphia to Hartford with him on the trip home- nightmare.He also got sick and had to go to the Keating clinic which was excellent.
Now with a four year old who is very active, has a lot of sibling rivalry and twins who never stop moving and climbing and still don't sleep well she said she can't think of St John until the April they are 3.She won't consider February for five years because she fears sickness or travel delays.We had gone in February previously. They will take everyone to Florida or Puerto Rico next April because they can get a direct flight from Hartford.
So- If your twins are good sleepers and good travelers and not extremely tough to care for it might be fine. Just remember even if you get a direct flight to STT you still have to get over to St John.
I have learned this year that twins are tough very tough to care for. I always ask my wife how the parents do it and she agrees that it is tough but reminds me I'm not 35 anymore.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:48 am
by Teresa_Rae
I thought I'd add this: Since we started going to 12 years ago, the only two years we've skipped STJ were the years we had a kid who was less than a year old. It just wasn't doable with the nap situation. So if I were in your shoes, the ONLY way I'd consider a trip is if they'll nap on the beach...otherwise it would be out of the question for me.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:30 pm
by SamanthaL
I also have twins, 2.5 years old, and there is NO WAY I would take them to St John yet. But really it's only something you can answer.

We are fortunate enough to have my husbands parents watching them while we are on island this October.

I have to say, though, that I CANNOT wait till they are older and I will enjoy taking them. I am thinking in the 6-7 year range.

Flying with my 2 and dealing with nap schedules is just not my idea of a fun St John vacation.

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:55 pm
by EagleRayLover
I have babysat this age kids a lot since starting Kids Night In. Actually as I write this I'm with a little snoozing 6 month old. I have watched kids as young as 12 weeks ( mom was in the wedding.) I think what I have learned is the kids do best if they can be kept on their usual schedules- naps, food, bath time, bedtime - all approximately at the same time as home. I don't think you are insane at all but I have heard from many parents that they do love a night or day ( for snorkeling or playing) is needed. Island baby has great rental items for your little ones. And if you are at all interested in that night/ day out- I am happy to speak to you. Check out the website for kids night in and if you have questions feel free to
Email me.
In the meantime - keep planning and get your STJ fix!!

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:58 pm
by RickG
I've done my kids at this age and it was great. As steveo2916 said, it's easier when they're not yet mobile. I found that once they start walking they are pretty darn hard to manage until about age five.

Leslie mentioned keeping them on their schedule. The approach that worked great for us is adopting the baby's schedule - up at dawn for breakfast, hit the beach by 7AM for a nap, lunch on the beach and another nap, than back to the villa for pool, bath and happy hour. We did one dinner out with the kids when they were that age, and ate as early as possible.

Strollers are useless once you hit St. Thomas. The backpack was great. We brought an umbrella stroller, backpack, car seat, pop up sunshade and formula.

I tell ya, writing this out and remembering back to November 1997, small people need a lot of infrastructure. My then 5 month old was very easy to travel with. I would not have attempted it with her older sister. That little baby just got back from her three week liveaboard catamaran BVI service camp. It pays to teach them young.

Good luck!!

Cheers, RickG

Re: Trip with two 4-6 month olds (twins)

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:11 pm
by larlardb8
We are on island right now for the first time with our little guy. Actually he is the baby Leslie mentioned she was watching! While it is a different trip with kids it's not impossible. We kept him on a loose schedule like home and he actually slept better down here than home...go figure. However, I think a lot has to do on the temperament of your child and the parents attitude. I have a friend who would NOT be able to handle being down here with a baby, but she is also very type A and stresses easily. We are more go with the flow and it's worked out well. We rented baby gear from Island Baby and they were great to deal with. We also debated on bringing a stroller or not, but our guy is a stroller baby and can sleep in it and be totally content. That was nice for when we were out to eat and also walking into town. It's a small, lightweight uppababy though. I saw some people with jogging stroller and Id be miserable lugging that thing around!
Hiring Leslie (kids night in) was awesome! We had a wondeful night out and felt totally comfortable leaving him. She was fantastic with him and we actually wish we had done one more night. We would absolutely use her again in the future!! (Thanks Leslie!)
We are here with my husband, dad, brother and sister in law. My mom passed away two months ago. She was so excited for this trip with our son so that has been tough this week not having her here for so many different reasons If you bring the grandparents that definitely will help out!
Good luck in whatever you decide!!!