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Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:37 am
by mnfun2bme
Here's part 1: Arrival Day: ... q7lJPRDvmM

Sunday morning – Our first full day.
Wow… (rubbing my hands together)… I have played this day over in my head so many times. Giving my family that first “view” of island life was so important to me… I just wanted it to be perfect. What’s funny is – that although the day started with a shower and wind, the double rainbow unveiled in front of our villa and it was already perfect! Rain stopped, sun came out and VIOLA! The perfect day was born!


Of course, after the rain, the birds came out and guess what? We brought sugar! As I said, my daughter is a bird girl…… and it turns out………she will have a new passion as well (READ ON FOR FURTHER DETAIL). *yes, that was my shameless attempt to keep you reading*

Have you ever seen a bananaquit TONGUE?

We had made an egg bake the night before so we could pop it in the oven in the morning. It makes for an easy breakfast and gives you a great start to the day…. The flowers around the villa are stunning as well as the couple other friends they met before we hopped in the car:

And then, we packed up the beach chairs in our 7 passenger rental and we were off! Of course, my wildlife majors were so impressed.

This is my motley crew:

My game plan was to head to Maho. I felt it was the perfect spot to teach a 74 year old who doesn’t swim well how to snorkel for the first time! Cost of trip (too darn expensive to mention…… Cost of teaching your 74 year old mom how to snorkel…. PRICELESS!!

She was one nervous mom…but holding her hand was helpful! We even saw a turtle! Today she says she’s going to be braver! 
The kids were new snorkelers too! As it turns out, not only is my daughter a bird lover…. But she now LOVES TO SNORKEL!! I can say GOODBYE to my underwater camera for the rest of the trip. Her husband was a lifeguard while growing up…. He’s a phenomenal snorkeler!
Look what he found… not bad for a NEWBIE:

This day ranks up there as one of the best in my life. St John is such a magical place and so very special to me and I was able to share it with my family (minus our son). It could absolutely not be any more amazing. Life is good and I feel so fortunate.

Well, it’s morning…. The kids want to be at a beach already so I need to sign off and make breakfast!
Thank you all for sharing this journey with me.

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:59 am
by mindehankins
Had to just log in to say - PHENOMENAL! I have tears in my eyes, from your mom pics. Be still, my heart.....

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:18 am
by smilesfromMN
Thanks for your posts! You're missing single digit temps again here in MN - enjoy the heat & humidity!

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:24 am
by News of St. John
I taught my parents how to snorkel at Maho too. :)

The picture of you and your mom is priceless.


Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:03 am
by PA Girl
I am just catching up on reports now. It is great that your mom tried snorkeling.

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:05 am
by Bushwacker
My first post here... we just returned two weeks ago, and magical was the word I use to describe STJ too. We fell in love with it!

I love the photo of your mother snorkeling, but I especially love the one of you two looking at each other before you took off!

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:08 pm
by shoemak38
News of St. John wrote:
The picture of you and your mom is priceless.

I 2nd that

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:24 pm
by GotToGetAway
Awesome reports so far.

How sweet to see such memories being made for your family.

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:35 pm
by Pia
Love, love, LOVE this :)


Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:45 pm
by mahojim
Lovin' this report so far, I knew it would be wonderful!
Stayed at Plumeria a couple years ago, and it was absolutely lovely!
Can't wait to see/here more about your adventures!

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:25 pm
by loria
oh WOW this sounds so amazing-- what a fun time you will have with your family! keep on posting!

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:23 pm
by Gretchen3
Your report is so touching. Thank you for sprinkling your joy with me. You made my day. Very special.

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:12 pm
by Myheart'sinSTJ
Wow, I got goosebumps looking at the pics of your mom learning to snorkel, I feel exactly the same way you do wanting to share the love of STJ with your family, I don't think I will ever be that fortunate to get my mom there, so happy that you are having a perfect trip, enjoy every minute!

Re: Coconuts on island - PART II

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:45 pm
by Linward
SO special!!! Reading, and seeing pics made me teary! You are creating such special memories - that will remain with you a lifetime.