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Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:17 am
by soxfan22
Connie wrote:Can I just suggest ONE thing?

LET IT GO and take it off the board. Maybe you could become friends that way, but it's really getting out of hand...don't you think?
Connie, my apologies to you and everyone here who has been subjected to this back and forth. Please understand that after I had apologized three or four times for the comment on the 20th, I thought this was over...Unfortunately, when your name continues to be dragged through the mud and one person continues to insinuate that you are racist, anti-semetic, etc...well, that is tough to just "let go".

If it's done, it's done. But to continue to say "I'll stop when you promise not to use those terms here anymore" when I already had SAID that...Well, that is not only condescending, but a bit childish, IMO.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:29 am
by donkey-boy
soxfan22 wrote:If it's done, it's done. But to continue to say "I'll stop when you promise not to use those terms here anymore" when I already had SAID that...Well, that is not only condescending, but a bit childish, IMO.
'letting it go' means you stop trying to explain your position using different words#


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:08 am
by soxfan22
Wow - Fish Bay, huh DB? How's the weather today? Little breeze? How long have you been in FB? Just that, I hadn't seen you around here (only w 4 posts), and two of them have been on this thread! So happy that when you posted, you did so here...Lending your advice to this conflict! Good lookin' out my friend!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:10 am
by toes in the sand
Pete (Mr. Marcia) wrote:According to Gina: "The media elected Obama, and as much as you don't want to hear this, the sheep followed."

Okay, let's see if I'm bright enough to understand your point. I'm a stupid sheep who is incapable of making up my own mind so I voted for whomever the media instructed me to?

Got it. Thanks.
I guess that the voting public were either sheep or racists depending on who they voted for (or didn't vote for). Simply amazing.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:22 am
by donkey-boy
soxfan22 wrote:Wow - Fish Bay, huh DB? How's the weather today? Little breeze? How long have you been in FB? Just that, I hadn't seen you around here (only w 4 posts), and two of them have been on this thread! So happy that when you posted, you did so here...Lending your advice to this conflict! Good lookin' out my friend!!!
hey, thanks! i enjoy your posts too# especially the really short ones# shorter the better#


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:24 am
by DaveS007
GinaXOXO wrote:Ok, got it.

What do you think of the stimulus package??

I am really happy to see the GOP finally together. It will still get passed, I am sure.

It looked like Obama was going to have a more "center" policy. I am not so sure any more.

I am super syched, super syched. The Libs and the Big O (not oprah) own it. It won't work, it's been tried several times, never has never will. They own it and we can watch the bus roll on over the cliff. Group hug? Back to my cartwheels.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:28 am
Toes in the sand: I have explained . Go back and look. Until then I don't have a comment. If my explainion isn't good enough for you then so be it.

So, back to today.

The economic stimulus package was not bipartisan. It was written in the House led by Speaker Pelosi without any republican input. Not one republican voted for it. In the Senate there needs to be another 41 votes against the package.

The economic downturn started with Clinton and continued with Bush. Getting money was easy even without good credit ratings. Clinton declared that every American has the right to own a house. People could not afford to pay their mortgages that they should not have ever gotten. Speculations, fannie may and their political donations, Wall street and banks were over-leveraged, all contributed. I understand that it is tempting to put the blame on the last 8 years but it started before Bush.

The USA is in major economic trouble. There are record numbers of people standing in unemployment lines. Obama promises the money will be spent well and that we can track it on I would like to see less funding for pork.

Tax relief including small business tax cuts and building infrastructure that will create jobs will help the economy. Obama’s package has a lot of good but I don't understand:
  • 400 million for global warming studies?
    650 million for digital tv conversion?
    200 million for the national mall

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:42 am
by Lex
Now that Anthony has requested that political "debate" cease, some folks may feel a bit lost. I've located a couple of anti-Obama sites that people may want to have a look at. The second one actually has a sizeable list of other websites where some people may feel more comfortable or welcome.